Study of “ Informed consent “ perior to surgery In Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital


1 Associate Professor, Department of Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

2 . Associate Professor, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

3 General practitioner student, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


Study of “ Informed consent “ perior to surgery In Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital

Nafiseh Zafarghandi , Fatemeh Sarv


Objectives: Informed consent do not only ensures the protection of the patients against unwanted medical treatment , but it also makes possible the patientʼs active envolvement in his medical planning and care.In this paper dimensions of informed consent obtained perior to surgery were studied.

Methods:This is a descriptive analyctical study .In this study 380 pateints hospitalized in surgery departments of Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital were interviewed within questionare.Date analyzied with SPSS.

Results: Consequences indicated that only 29/7% of patients signed informed consent forms themselves.Only 22% were read the forms and 19/5 % belived that form was comprehensible.Pateints did not get any explanation about diagnosis(8/9%) , treatment (11/8%), possibility of treatment success (22%) , possibility of treatment failure (36/3%) , alternative treatments (37/7%), possible complications of surgery (47/3%) , cosst (50/7%) , prognosis (20/7%) and duration of hospitalization( 27/3%).Less than half of the patients (42/1%) would like to get more information.

Conclusions: As for influence of the process of informed consent on the treatment process patients ,defects in this context shoud be considered and it shoud plan for augmentation of the relationship between physician and patients to obtain proper informed consent.


Main Subjects