perception ICU nursde


1 . Assistant professor, Ph.D in Nursing. Department of medical- surgical, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Instructor, Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction & Objective: Care of families of critically ill patients is an essential component of nursing roles. However, despite the fact that nurses are responsible for meeting the needs of the family, the role of nurses has less been considered. Knowing this subject makes good nursing care for critically ill patients and their families. The object of this study is to determine the perception of nurses in relation to their roles towards the patient’s family in intensive care unit.
Material & Methods: This is descriptive analytic study. 114 nurses working in adult intensive care units in 3 university hospitals in Tehran (2011) were studied. To investigate nurses' perception of their responsibilities towards the families of critically ill patients, a 19 items questionnaire "Nurses' perception of their performance toward the patient’s family” was used. Nurses’ perception of their roles towards family and its correlation with nurses demographic factors were analyzed with non parametric methods by SPSS (ver. 16).
Results: The highest mean of Nurses' perceptions of their role towards family was “request family to leave during procedur
Conclusion: Lack of perception of nursing roles towards patient’s family may be origina


Main Subjects