Ph.D Student in Nursing, Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran
Ph.D student in health in disaster and emergency situations, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Master of Public Administration, Tehran University, Iran
Instructor , Department of Nursing , Faculty of Medicine , Hamedan University of Medical sciences , Hamedan , Iran.
Master of Nursing Intensive Care, Medical University of Hamedan, Iran.
Master of Science in Nursing, Medical Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Bachelor of Nursing, University of Medical Sciences of Hamedan, Iran
Introduction: In Iranian Nursing Ethic Codes , one of the nurses' duties towards the medical team collaboration is "interactive relationship based on trust". On the other, identification of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of staffing in the organization to adopt effective strategies and programs is essential. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and trust in co-worker.
Method: This research is a descriptive - correlation study. 168 nurses that working in social security hospitals in Hamadan province (2011) Were studied by census method with trust in co-worker and the job satisfaction questionnaire .The data were processed using descriptive and analytical statistics. For this purpose, Data were entered into the statistical package for the social sciences version 15.
Results: The correlation coefficient between dimensions of trust in co-worker (competence, reliability and benevolence) and job satisfaction, respectively is 0.263(P= 0.006), 0.271(P= 0.006), and 0.393 (P= 0.000). The results of multiple linear regressions showed that benevolence variables in explaining the variance in job satisfaction were higher than other aspects of trust in co-worker (0/158, P= 0.003).
Conclusion:Trust in co-worker and job satisfaction are two important factors affecting the each other and quality of nursing care. It is necessary to identify factors influencing these two components follow a comprehensive plan to promote these two variables in our hospitals.
Main Subjects